Saturday 2 April 2016

Of Potty and Pussies

Beckett has always been a kind child, especially to her hapless parents and amazing grandparents. 

So it should come as no surprise that she has been extremely co-operative during her grandmother's (and now her parents') attempts to get her to use the potty or pee in the bathroom. 

Timing, observation, and the right cues are the key here. 

Right after she wakes up from a nap or after a long walk is a good time to take her to the bathroom for a pee. A steady drizzle from the tap and / or a whistling parent are good cues. And once the deed is done, an encouraging 'good job' serves as a great reinforcement. 

It is the bigger #2 where the rubber actually meets the road. This is a game of observation and guess work. Facial expressions, or any time she goes really quiet is a good indicator of the dreaded impending inevitability.

As for Pussies, Beckett just loves cats. She yells in a register at least at least 5 notes higher than my vocal range when she sees one. Here's a photo of us mewing to our friendly neighbourhood cats. 

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